An Exchange and Discussion about the stories in EINSTEIN'S BEACH HOUSE by Jacob M. Appel

Saturday, February 11, 2023

New York Cleanliness disaster.

 Dear Wyzard,

My aim is to write a short paragraph every day on this blog.

Here is today's paragraph.

2 days ago, I went out for a nice meal at an Australian Cafe with a new friend. I was thirty minutes late, but he didn't seem to mind. My new friend, Nick, is an entrepreneur and podcaster in Berlin. He spends most of his year traveling around economic centers raising money for his new venture capital fund, and preaching the gospel of progress and productivity. However, despite his deep affection for our fine city, he was taken aback by its recent troubles. "New York has declined, but it is unlike San Francisco." We started walking down the street after we finished our french fries. After three or four blocks, he realized he was walking the wrong way. After we went our separate ways, I began walking down towards a lovely pre-war building and ended up in Gramercy. Unlike the nearby neighborhoods, the streets were spotless, and the buildings looked fresher and better maintained. New York City has always been divided along economic and ethnic lines, but it never felt this stark and blatant. The city has long stopped cleaning everyone's roads and keeping every neighborhood safe. 

The Fire Man