An Exchange and Discussion about the stories in EINSTEIN'S BEACH HOUSE by Jacob M. Appel

Saturday, February 25, 2023


Sorry that EINSTEIN'S WRITERS DEN didn't turn out to be your cup of tea.

I thought you were doing well, and that you made some very fine observations and comments. I just couldn't understand why you wouldn't carry on a conversation.

I won't kill this Blog. It can hang for a while. 

I'll check it from time to time to see if you post anything. 

I think there was a lot you could learn from Appel, as he has good points and serious deficits. We learn can from his mistakes as well as his fine points.

Even though you stop contributing to this Blog, I may continue my reading of Appel. It has been a good source for a number of writing techniques and devices, including determining differences between narratives and plots. 

Some of Appel's technique is naked and brutal---signs of his conflict between emotion and intellect. I'm sorry we didn't get to "Limerence," as that story defines a psychological condition that wasn't officially recognized until recently by the Psychiatric Association. It was my affliction all through elementary, middle school and high school, but I thought it was just life.

Please keep writing. You do have something to say. Maybe someday you will discover what it is. 

Yes. Even now.

Keep writing, and it will come through.


I'm not providing the dialogue you desire. May we please pause this project?