An Exchange and Discussion about the stories in EINSTEIN'S BEACH HOUSE by Jacob M. Appel

Sunday, February 19, 2023


 Forgive me for my absence.

For some strange reason, my sister-in-law decided to spend her boys' precious vacation time touring colleges in the United States. They crashed at my home for a day and a half, making it hard to read anything or reply to your last statement. I was going to ask a few questions about Walt Whitman and New York City. 

I'll read the following story and write a post on it.


 It's been a while since your last entry. Since that time I responded to you with a number of questions and observations that invited your attention. 

I know you're busy. So am I. 

I never felt this was to be a long-term project. Choosing a modest book of eight stories put a finite frame on this exchange. If we spent a week on each story, we would be done at the end of 8-10 weeks, and maybe we both might have learned something worthwhile. 

Maybe you're writing your response even now, but it occurred to me that I should clarify what I was hoping might emerge from our dialogue in this space.

If you can add to Einstein's Beach House commentaries, do so quickly, because there's a critter waiting up the path that has a bizarre tale in "La Tristesse Des Hérissons." My first reading was one of disbelief. I'm still not sure what I think of this tale about "The Sadness of Hedgehogs."

Read the story, and in the meantime, I will give it another reading. I notice it is also divided into sections as was the first story. You never commented on how you thought sections function in structuring a narrative.